Real Estate Agent

Shawn Felker


Douglas Elliman

575 Madison Ave

Douglas Elliman

575 Madison Ave

With over 25 years in the service industry, and a sterling 20 year performance track record his clients, and the company, Shawn A.W. Felker truly has a unique edge (and his clients have a distinct advantage) when it comes to the “customer comes first” philosophy. Extremely optimistic, direct and honest, Shawn loves working with people and helping navigate them through the very intricate Manhattan real estate maze.

To put it in his words, Shawn lives and breathes real estate. He possesses an incredible working knowledge of the city – from its diverse neighborhoods to its many restaurants and museums – and is comfortable in every part of it. This well-rounded insight fuels Shawn’s effectiveness in helping others rent, buy or sell a home no matter what the location. Clients also appreciate the full-service capabilities that Shawn provides, just as they do his energy, dedication and personal attention to their particular needs.

Originally from the Pacific Northwest of Canada, Shawn always knew he wanted to live in New York City. Right out of school, he pursued his dream, and has never been happier. Over the years, he progressed from being a waiter to captain to maitre d serving a high-end clientele at upscale Balthazar in SoHo. A current downtown resident, Shawn has lived throughout Manhattan and has been a resident of Chelsea for the past twop decades. While he’s traveled to all the continents, Shawn loves coming home to the place he loves most.

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