Real Estate Agent
phone-office: 917-568-8365
phone-office: 212-891-7714

Douglas Elliman

575 Madison Ave

Paul Hazen

Profissional do ramo imobiliário

phone-office: 917-568-8365
phone-office: 212-891-7714

Douglas Elliman

575 Madison Ave
Paul Hazen

Paul Hazen works like a true professional but guides you like a true friend. He prides himself on his ability to create strong relationships with his clients, and make them feel comfortable with one of life's most daunting decisions. Working with an agent as personable as Paul makes the often impersonal real estate process much more manageable, even enjoyable. Though he thrives on the social interaction aspect of real estate, he is all details and down to business when it comes to researching properties and delivering spot-on results.

Originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma, Paul has a natural charm that followed him to New York City. He moved here in 2000 to study acting, on scholarship at a conservatory in the city. Realizing he liked the studying part of acting more than the acting himself, Paul moved into restaurant and club management. One thing he never regretted that acting did for him, however, was bringing him "home" to New York.

Years ago, when Paul decided to give in to his calling of real estate which had been in his family, he felt an instant fit. He began his career doing rentals all around Manhattan and then moved into sales, all the while acquiring extensive neighborhood knowledge and technology savvy. He himself has lived in many different communities so can insightfully guide buyers and renters to the areas that suit them best.

On the personal side, Paul is a golf enthusiast who grew up playing the sport. He also loves music, exercise of all kinds, and spending time at his family's beach home.
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