Real Estate Agent

Irina Sher

부동산 전문가


Douglas Elliman

575 Madison Ave

Douglas Elliman

575 Madison Ave

Irina's philosophy in real estate and everything she does is to never give up, and believe that every problem has a solution.
Immersed in the real estate industry as an investor for over 11 years, Irina worked with many developers and acquired a passion for the business. She is extremely knowledgeable of luxury co-ops, condos and investment properties locally in Manhattan and Westchester as well as internationally. Her extensive connections often allow her to find properties for clients that have not yet hit the market, and her outstanding negotiating skills assure smooth, successful transactions for all parties involved.

Multilingual in Russian, Armenian and English, Irina is a highly attentive listener who prioritizes the needs of her buyers' and sellers' as the most important aspect of any deal. Her approach is very hands on, beginning with an in-depth exploration of what they are looking for and their personal” checklist.” Irina guides clients through the complexity of real estate transitions and explains the detailed aspects of transactions so they are never blind-sighted. She maintains open communication every step of the way to ensure that any questions or concerns are promptly addressed.

Personally, Irina is interested in photography and nature. She has always been a philanthropist and an entrepreneur at her core. Motivated to make an impact on the world, Irina has contributed to an extensive list of organizations including the American Cancer Society, and has worked with children in conjunction with the Camp Rainbow Gold initiative for nine years. Her greatest love is her two children, for whom she always aspires to be an inspiring presence by promoting teamwork for ultimate success.
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