Real Estate Agent

Cristina Criado

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Douglas Elliman

Douglas Elliman

Cristina is a determined and passionate individual, a true perfectionist who understands the significant emotional and financial undertaking of choosing a home. Cristina is known for thoroughly qualifying her clients’ current and future needs, with an approach centered around undivided attention, respect, and a dedication to ensure her clients’ dreams are fulfilled.

Cristina was born and raised in Miami, Florida, and is a first-generation American from a large Cuban family. Prior to her current role, she was campaign manager for a competitive race in the Florida Legislature, after which she decided to explore alternative projects working for a real estate development firm in Miami as a project manager. She was instantly captivated by the business, and moved to Manhattan to pursue a career in real estate.

When not hard at work, Cristina and her husband can often be found scouring the city for new and exciting restaurants, or traveling and exploring the tastes and flavors of the world.
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