Real Estate Agent

Sabrina Saltiel

부동산 전문가


Douglas Elliman

575 Madison Ave

Douglas Elliman

575 Madison Ave
Sabrina Saltiel has sold over $4 billion of real estate since joining Douglas Elliman in 2002, and has ranked in the top 10 out of over 2,000 agents at the firm for the past 12 years. She ranked in the top 25 in Manhattan for 2021 and in the top 10 in Manhattan on The Real Deal's top 75 broker rankings for the prior 3 years. Sabrina has been recognized by The Wall Street Journal Real Trends ranking as one of the top 100 agents in the nation year after year and consistently delivers results, regardless of market conditions.
Sabrina specializes in the sale of high-end cooperatives, condominiums, lofts and townhouses throughout Manhattan. Her professionalism, tenacity, and absolute discretion are highly valued by her clients, who include top Fortune 500 c-suite executives, high net worth investors, and professionals from the financial services, legal, real estate and fashion sectors.
Widely respected for her extensive market knowledge and known for her no-nonsense approach and straightforward feedback, Sabrina is often consulted by developers in the acquisition, planning, marketing, and selling of new condominium developments. Her opinion is often sought to assess the viability of new projects, including pricing, marketing, layouts, and finishes. Sabrina has been involved in the planning and execution of some of the most prestigious and successful condominium projects in the city. Currently leading the sales effort for the conversion of the Belnord, a 200-unit landmarked prewar building designed by Robert A.M. Stern on the Upper West Side, Sabrina is also one of 4 ambassadors selling the condominiums at the Waldorf Astoria. She also led sales of the successful conversion of The Marquand at 11 East 68th Street and was a member of the team which sold out 432 Park Avenue, one of the most successful ground up residential buildings in NYC history.
Exceptionally driven, patient and persistent, Sabrina is a creative problem solver who is committed to her relationships with both clients and colleagues. Her calm demeanor, strong negotiating skills and attention to detail are qualities that serve her well when dealing with high stakes and fast-moving transactions.
Sabrina is fluent in Greek and Hebrew and proficient in French and Spanish. A graduate of Barnard College with a major in economics, Sabrina is a native New Yorker who has raised 3 children in the city, making her intimately familiar with the decisions many families face when choosing a neighborhood and a home.

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