Real Estate Agent
phone-office: 917-620-1486
phone-office: 212-891-7131

Douglas Elliman

575 Madison Ave

Nancy B Simpson

Professionista immobiliare

phone-office: 917-620-1486
phone-office: 212-891-7131

Douglas Elliman

575 Madison Ave
Nancy B. Simpson

With her grandfather having been a real estate broker, it was natural for Nancy to have an interest in real estate which ultimately transitioned into a career.

Cognizant that a purchase or sale of a home is a considerable decision, Nancy ensures clients
are kept well informed by providing detailed analysis of market conditions, and budget considerations availing all options, ultimately guiding them to making the right choice. Her warmth, enthusiasm and detail-oriented approach are quickly apparent, as is her genuine concern for her clients' needs and commitment to the highest quality care in their pursuit.

Nancy's unique manner in making sure that every aspect of the deal is recognized and well negotiated distinguishes her, as does her discretion in working with clients. Prior to her entering real estate, she had a successful career as Director of Administrative and Clinical affairs for a prominent Urologist, working with HMO's, developing Advanced Medical Care, an Oxford Partnership, in addition to having had articles published with the New York County Medical Society and Socioeconomic Issues in Medicine.

A native New Yorker, Nancy serves on the Residential Sales Council Committee at the Real Estate Board of New York, and among her many interests, as a balletomane, she is a member of the Golden Circle at American Ballet Theatre, is a member of the Board in the building where she resides, is a chess player being a member in good standing of the United States Chess Federation, and is fluent in French.
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