Real Estate Agent
phone-office: 917-535-3113
phone-office: 212-965-6000

Douglas Elliman

140 Franklin St

Justin Tuinstra

Professionista immobiliare

phone-office: 917-535-3113
phone-office: 212-965-6000

Douglas Elliman

140 Franklin St
Justin is a real estate expert who has worked in the industry for over 15 years. During this time he has cultivated a unique market, servicing buyers, sellers and developers. He is an avid communicator with an innate ability to understand his client's needs. This, coupled with his extensive knowledge of the industry and his networks of contacts, have attributed to his success. He has built his career with a focus on enhancing the real estate experience for those he represents. Justin doesn't view himself so much a real estate agent, rather a real estate consultant. Justin provides his clients a full range of services that complement and enrich the overall experience. He is a perfectionist who goes to great lengths to get the job done.

Focusing on new development and working closely the tutelage of both Fredrik and John, Justin has overseen or taken part in multiple successful projects. Most recent projects include 135 West 52nd Street, 196 Orchard, 245 West 14th Street and 200 East 21st Street. When Justin is not servicing his clients he enjoys traveling the globe and exploring new cultures. He also enjoys the luxury of living in what he calls "Manhattan's trophy hood", the West Village, where most of his favorite dining venues also reside. Justin has enjoyed offering his time to Habitat for Humanity projects, where in 2007 he lead a team to build homes in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
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