Real Estate Agent
phone-office: 917-744-6069
phone-office: 212-891-7003

Douglas Elliman

575 Madison Ave

Millicent Kaye

Professionnel de l'Immobilier

phone-office: 917-744-6069
phone-office: 212-891-7003

Douglas Elliman

575 Madison Ave
Residential real estate specialist Millicent Kaye follows every purchase or sale transaction from beginning to end and then some, with continued follow-up after the fact to assure customer satisfaction and gain lifelong clients.

Starting every relationship with careful listening, Millicent then gives her all into making the perfect people-property match through careful research, accurate area comparables and extensive showings. Along the way she takes time and devotes effort to providing those she represents with vital knowledge and information needed to make wise, educated decisions.

A native New Yorker, Millicent is a seasoned sales management professional who has perfected her own sales and customer service skills by training hundreds of others. She enjoys working with people all over the city to secure the most suitable properties for buyers and facilitate the best deal possible when the time comes to sell.

While most of her energy is put into her work, Millicent is also an avid reader, plus enjoys tennis, golf, word games and crossword puzzles when leisure time allows.

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