Real Estate Agent
phone-office: 917-365-3091
phone-office: 212-319-5499

Douglas Elliman

575 Madison Ave

Doreen Courtright

Επαγγελματίας ακινήτων

phone-office: 917-365-3091
phone-office: 212-319-5499

Douglas Elliman

575 Madison Ave
Doreen Courtright
Associate Broker

Doreen is an extremely attentive, knowledgeable and accomplished broker who continually demonstrates the patience and fortitude needed to help clients excel in today's intricate real estate transactions. Whether hand holding her buyers until they find that perfect home or aggressively marketing properties until sellers achieve that desired price, Doreen is a pro throughout – yet she never lets you forget that the process can be fun too with her vibrant, vivacious personality.

Doreen's clients appreciate her hands-on but no-pressure style. A personal guide through your home search or sale, she'll inform you every step of the way on your options. Doreen believes good education is the most powerful tool she can give her clients, which is why her deals are made
With confidence.

Also a sharp negotiator and open communicator, Doreen is highly adept at bringing people at all sides of the table together while protecting each party's best interests.

Doreen also loves the fact that real estate can be creative. She compares it to her previous career as Directors of Artists and Repertoire at a major record label. Finding a hit song for an artist is similar to finding that perfect apartment for a buyer…and to Doreen, it's just as rewarding.
A longtime Upper East Side resident, Doreen understands the purchase and sale process from a personal perspective as well.

Outside of work, she enjoys playing golf and watching baseball, as well as cooking, wine tasting, entertaining, and music of course. Doreen loves spending time with her husband, Hernando, who is on The Courtright Team, as well her son who is in the hospitality business, her daughter who lives in Los Angeles and their playful cat, Leo.
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