Real Estate Agent
phone-office: 917-520-6544
phone-office: 212-358-4354

Douglas Elliman

111 Fifth Ave

Scott Hockens

Real Estate Professional

phone-office: 917-520-6544
phone-office: 212-358-4354

Douglas Elliman

111 Fifth Ave
Scott Hockens

Scott Hockens' goal is to make sure that at the end of the day, his clients know he worked diligently to get the job done, and did everything in his power to protect their best interests. He focuses on sales and rentals in the entire New York City area, with a dabble into the Catskills market, and now, as a Broker Associate in Florida has added the Miami market to his repertoire.

A brownstone owner in Brooklyn and a homeowner in The Catskills, Scott is always looking for great homes for his clients as well as potential investments. His passion for the business and unrelenting work ethic are why he excels when it comes to listening to clients' needs, and exceeding their objectives. "I continually stay abreast of the ever-changing conditions in the real estate market, including everything from city planning department policy to zoning changes, to regional supply/demand shifts, and break it all down into very usable information which will help my clients to the fullest in making the right real estate decisions."

Born in New York and raised in South Florida, Scott holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and an MBA in International Business from the University of Miami. His affinity for New York along with its rich history and architecture drew him back to the city where he's happily lived for the past 18 years. Scott became even more fascinated with NYC real estate as the owner of several entertainment and event marketing companies. This led to his opening of a few buzz-worthy lounges in Manhattan with some amazing partners, and to being part of many complex real estate transactions. Prior to that, he worked as an Aerospace Engineer at Pratt & Whitney as well as Project Manager in both modernization and new construction.

Scott's vast network, keen eye for detail, analytical mind and business ingenuity complement his top-down understanding of all aspects of buying, selling, renting or investing in residential and commercial real estate. "No matter how long you've lived in New York, you can uncover something new every day if you try. This applies to real estate as well!"
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