Real Estate Agent
phone-office: 212-588-5692
phone-office: 212-906-9200

Brown Harris Stevens

445 Park Avenue

Mina Meurkens

Real Estate Professional

phone-office: 212-588-5692
phone-office: 212-906-9200

Brown Harris Stevens

445 Park Avenue
Mina has been a very successful broker at Brown Harris Stevens with twenty years closing deals with buyers and sellers from an array of cultures from all over the world. Mina has an uncommon ability to secure trust and create a high comfort level of those she works with. Her warm and caring personality along with her knowledge of Manhattan residential real estate makes her the perfect broker for both international and native New Yorkers needing assistance with their individual real estate needs. A native of Brazil, Mina speaks Portuguese, German and English. She has a law degree from Milton Campos Faculty in Belo Horizonte-Brazil and a business degree in marketing and management from Freie University in Berlin. Her dedication, persistence and instinctive ability to advise her clients on how to navigate Manhattans fast paced real estate market is rewarded with a constant stream of repeat and referral clients. Mina is married to a well know Jazz musician and has two young daughters. Mina has been advising many of her daughters friends, first time buyers and renters, as they appreciate Minas understanding of their lifestyles.
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