Real Estate Agent
phone-office: 917-714-5446
phone-office: 212-362-9600

Douglas Elliman

1995 Broadway

Michele Dellinger

Real Estate Professional

phone-office: 917-714-5446
phone-office: 212-362-9600

Douglas Elliman

1995 Broadway
After 20 years in film and television and two Emmy Awards, working on everything from Law and Order, to Martha Stewart Living to children's educational programming, Michele decided to take her creative talents in a new direction. She found that the skills learned over the years as a producer – controlling budgets in excess of $12 million, managing large crews and tight schedules, and coming up with creative solutions to a myriad of issues – were extremely useful for her new career, Real Estate.

Michele started at Douglas Elliman Real Estate with a top 15 team in New York City. Over the years, she gained a deeper understanding of the real estate business and honed the skills necessary to be a top agent – maximizing profit for sellers and negotiating the best deal for her buyers, all while maintaining the highest standards of honesty and integrity. She built a reputation for being one of the biggest producers on the team and developed a deeply loyal client base. Michele continued her success with The Baker Dellinger Team which consistently ranked in the top percentages of teams at Douglas Elliman.

Michele grew up in the museums and libraries of New York City, and continued the tradition with her own children. Michele supports the arts, enjoys classical music and in her spare time, loves to travel. When at home, she can be found playing with her dog Charley in Riverside Park, exploring the neighborhoods of the City, and creating in the kitchen.
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