Real Estate Agent
phone-office: 646-912-3140
phone-office: 212-891-7024

Douglas Elliman

575 Madison Ave

Lolita Peradze

Real Estate Professional

phone-office: 646-912-3140
phone-office: 212-891-7024

Douglas Elliman

575 Madison Ave
* Fluent in Russian and English * Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE) * Intercontinental investor liaison As a direct result of having lived and worked in multiple countries on three continents, Ms. Lolita Peradze has always had a keen and vested interest in real estate— first for her own needs, then later for the needs of investors. Now a long-time Manhattan professional, she employs her vast network of high net-worth individuals (which dwarfs that of 99% of the real estate professionals in New York City) to achieve effective and efficient results on behalf her customers and clients. Time and again, she plays international real estate match-maker, enabling buyers, sellers, investors, renters, and landlords to find their ideal “match”— that person or home that best personifies exactly for what that individual is searching. No matter the price point or relative difficulties, she is always able to match the right homeowners with the right homebuyers, knowing exactly what each party needs to make the transaction a positive and successful one. A former talk-show/forum host, professional tennis player, fine-art broker, and international film investor emissary, she continues to utilize her preternatural communication abilities to connect on a personal level with her clients, customers, and investors. Now a real estate expert, these abilities enable her to solve objections, difficulties, and roadblocks, empowering her and her customers to achieve the types of results for which they are searching. At her core, Lolita is, without a doubt, a shining example of what it means to emit life, energy, and intelligence. Customers, clients, and real estate professionals all say the same thing: She is the exception, not the rule, for the industry, and it is a true privilege to encounter her. It is with great pride, then, that The Gilad Azaria Group can count her as one of its most integral team members.
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