Real Estate Agent
phone-office: 917-747-6655
phone-office: 212-362-9600

Douglas Elliman

1995 Broadway

Marie Tango

Profissional de Mediação Imobiliária

phone-office: 917-747-6655
phone-office: 212-362-9600

Douglas Elliman

1995 Broadway
Had anyone ever suggested the idea that buying my own Manhattan coop would lead me to my next profession, I would have been hard pressed to imagine it. I was very happy being a Pan Am international flight purser and the only interest I had in real estate was the location of my next layover hotel.

By the time I realized that owning was indeed preferable to renting it was the late 80's and an economic downturn was in full swing. Property prices were falling, mortgage interest rates were hovering at 10% and horror stories about sponsor defaults were regularly featured in the New York Times. With all the negative real estate karma swirling around me, there was no question in my mind that the first order of business after I closed was to volunteer for the board of directors.

It was an inspired decision! As director and later as president, I was able to initiate ideas on how to solve problems, bring in revenue, and turn negative situations into positive ones for my building. I could also keep tabs on each phase of implementation. Now as another kind of industry “insider” I can share that knowledge with my clients so they can benefit from my experience.

I particularly like working with first-time buyers because they immediately understand that the suggestions I make and options I provide are exactly the kind of information they need to make qualified decisions. Today's internet savvy clients are quite capable of gathering facts on their own, but I can “fill in the gaps” by providing them with a better understanding of the market and the purchase process. Regardless of whether someone is buying or selling, I listen to their details, add my facts, and go on from there. I believe that if you can tune into the person you're dealing with you will hear the whole story--what they're verbalizing and what they're not.

Being a coop director also taught me the importance of neighborhood activism. I attend Community Board 7 and 20th Precinct meetings. My block association president has my home phone number. And I even have global connections: “Pan Am World Wings” is not only a social group that keeps me in touch with my former flying buddies, it's also a charitable organization that raises funds for local and international benefit programs.

Best of all, I was able to join the Douglas Elliman office here on the Upper West Side so my home and my business are in the same zip code. I hope to hear from you!

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