Real Estate Agent
phone-office: 212-906-9303
phone-office: 212-906-9200

Brown Harris Stevens

445 Park Avenue

Danielle Grossenbacher

Professionnel de l'Immobilier

phone-office: 212-906-9303
phone-office: 212-906-9200

Brown Harris Stevens

445 Park Avenue
Danielle Grossenbacher, a seasoned residential and commercial Associate Real Estate Broker, has established herself as a creative, knowledgeable and meticulous professional. Over her successful career at Brown Harris Stevens, Danielle has become the go-to specialist for premier condominiums in Manhattan, with an emphasis on midtown Manhattan and the Financial District. She has skillfully negotiated the sale of numerous residential, commercial and investment properties in Manhattan. Reflecting her great achievements through the years, Danielle was recently named Manhattan 2017 Broker of the Year by internationally renowned BUILD magazine. Her clientele includes prominent business owners and investors, both American and international, who have come to rely on Danielle as a broker who thinks global and acts local. Her introspective knowledge of the market, her intuitive understanding of her clients unique needs and goals, and most importantly her discretion, result in repeat business. Danielle enjoys the ability to negotiate simultaneously the worlds of residential and commercial properties. Explains Danielle: Most of my buyers first purchase a residential property. Once they feel comfortable in their neighborhood and in the city, some decide to build a portfolio. They naturally come to me since they trust that I will identify the most appropriate investments for them in the city. Buyers also feel comfortable with Danielle because they intuit that, as a Canadian native who has studied, lived and worked abroad before making New York City her home, she has walked in their shoes navigating the fast-paced world of New York real estate. She is fluent in French and speaks Spanish and German. Danielle values her significant connections with the international community. Ever since obtaining her Master's Degree in Political Science and International Studies from the Graduate Institute of International Studies (IUHEI) in Geneva, Switzerland, she has been actively involved in organizations that have a global impact. Her current roles, in a volunteer capacity, are: Co-chair of the Business and Industry Group of the General Assembly of Partners (GAP), a civil society group helping UN-Habitat implement the New Urban Agenda Member of the Infrastructure and Urban Development Group advising the World Economic Forum (WEF) Main representative of FIABCI, the International Real Estate Federation, to the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in New York Having served as 2015-2016 World President of FIABCI, Danielle is also an active member of the Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY), the NY Metro CCIM (Certified Commercial Investment Member) Chapter, AREAA (Asian Real Estate Association of America) and FIABCI-USA. She is proud to list and sell residential and investment properties in Manhattan.
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