Real Estate Agent
mobile: 347-675-3566

Douglas Elliman

Merrily Connery

Professionnel de l'Immobilier

mobile: 347-675-3566

Douglas Elliman

Merrily is well-respected within the industry for her unquestionable integrity, discretion, and that distinctive inviting manner which both clients and associates find so pleasant and easy to work with. Thorough, calm, thoughtful, confident and caring, her ability to genuinely relate to everyone is simply a part of her personality. Whether you are a world famous celebrity or simply a family looking to relocate to one of the world's most exciting cities, you will receive the very same amount of dedication and specialized attention. Armed with a keen insight, steady perserverence, and the uncanny knack for matching the ideal buyer to the perfect property at just the right time, Merrily has exactly what it takes to close that dream deal.

Merrily Connery, with over twenty years of expert knowledge within New York's real estate market, is the consumate real estate professional. Merrily guides her clients through the entire selling and/or buying process with meticulous care and tireless enthusiasm.

The foundation of this professionalism is certainly due to her appreciation and awareness of how daunting the Manhattan real estate market can appear to potential buyers/sellers. However, much more importantly she has successfully weathered this frantic and unpredictable climate firsthand with her own Manhattan properties. Having experienced it all herself, Merrily can offer her clients invaluable and limitless resources regarding all aspects of the buying, selling and renovation process. With the confidence and intelligence that only such personal wisdom and industry experience may generate, Merrily can effectively negotiate on behalf of all of her various clients.

A longtime resident of New York City, Merrily joined Ambrose-MarElia in 1981 where she combined selling and managing as a broker. She aided the small firm in growing to a mid-sized company; Douglas Elliman acquired Ambrose-MarElia in 1996, at which time Merrily returned to sales fulltime. Before working within real estate, Merrily worked for years as a social worker, as well as, on the campaign trail within the political realm. Merrily is a graduate from George Washington University where she received a degree in Political Science.
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