Real Estate Agent
phone-office: 917-603-4863
phone-office: 212-769-6540

Douglas Elliman

Neil Porter


phone-office: 917-603-4863
phone-office: 212-769-6540

Douglas Elliman

Self-described “life enthusiast” Neil Porter is fascinated by those unique properties in this vertical metropolis that tend to elude cookie-cutter apartment search techniques.
He enjoys the entire process of tracking the correct apartment for a client proven by the fact that he completed 52 transactions his first year in the business. The bracing physicality of walking around a neighborhood, peeking into nooks, cabinets and corners and climbing up onto rooftops. The detective work of swapping jokes, tips and stories with his loyal customers, supers, doormen, fellow agents and sharing information about new apartments coming to market. And, of course, connecting with clients and identifying the puzzle pieces of their different preferences and concerns to complete a clear picture of the place they will one day happily call home.
As a longtime resident of West Harlem with relatives and close friends living on the Upper West Side, he has a native familiarity with these neighborhoods, as well as Hell’s Kitchen and Midtown West, where he ran his publishing business for several years prior to entering the real estate profession.
An avid distance swimmer originally from Venice, California, Neil co-founded and directed the Hispanic-tilted publishing house Parlante Inc., which produced the monthly bilingual lifestyles supplement “VIVA New York” for the NY Daily News, as well as “Médico de Familia,” the Spanish-language health monthly written by doctors in Spanish and distributed in waiting rooms nationwide.
A graduate with honors from University of Pennsylvania, Neil is a member in good standing of the Real Estate Board of New York. Contact Neil today, and let him be your guide in the search for your new home!

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